Вопросы инженерной сейсмологии: статья

Е.А. Рогожин1
К. Шен2
1 Институт физики Земли им. О.Ю.Шмидта РАН

2 Лаборатория изучения землетрясений из космоса, Институт наук о землетрясениях Китайской сейсмологической администрации
Журнал: Вопросы инженерной сейсмологии
Том: 37
Номер: 2
Год: 2010
Страницы: 5-19
Ключевые слова: землетрясение, сейсмодислокация, сейсморазрыв, разлом, разрушение, макросейсмический эффект, балл, интенсивность, изосейсты
Список литературы: Никонов А.А. По следам Сычуаньского землетрясения в Китае // Геориск (научно-популярный журнал). 2009. № 2. С. 50 - 55.

Burchfiel B.C., Royden L.H., van der Hilst P.O., Hager B.H., Chen Z., King R.W., Li G., Lu J., Yao H., Kirby E. A geological and geophysical context for the Wenchuan earthquake of 12 May 2008, Sichuan, People's Republic of China // GSA Today. 2008. V. 18. No. 7. P. 4 - 11.

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Guohua Gu, Wuxing Wang, Yueren Xu, Wenjun Li. Horizontal crustal movements before the great Wenchuan earthquake obtained from GPS observations in the regional network // Earthquake Science. 2009. V. 22, No. 5. P. 471 - 478 (http//earthquakes.usgs.gov)

Fu Bihong, Wang Ping, Kong Ping, Shi Pilong, Zheng Guodong. Atlas of seismological and geological disasters associated with the 12 May 2 - 008, Ms 8.0 Wenchuan great earthquake, Sichuan, China. Beijing: Seismological Press, 2009. 127 p.

Jianiong Li, Guojie Meng, Min Wang, Hua Liao, Xuhue Shen. Investigation of ionospheric TEC changes related to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake based on statistic analysis and signal detection // Earthquake Science. 2009. V. 22, No. 5. P. 545 - 554.

Jiuchang Hu, Wei Liu, Minrui Guo, Hua Zheng. «Double low points» anomaly in daily variation of vertical component of geomagnetic field before the Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake // Earthquake Science. 2009. V. 22, No. 5. P. 539 - 544.

Liu Huixian. On the Chinese seismic intensity scale // Selected papers on earthquake engineering and engineering vibration / Contributions of IEM to International Conferences and Journals (1973 - 1985). China, Harbin: Institute of Engineering Mechanics of State Seismological Bureau, 1985. P. 23 - 30.

Ran Y.K., Chen L.C., Chen G.H. Primary analyses of in-situ recurrence of large earthquake along seismogenic fault of the Ms=8.0 Wenchuan earthquake // Seismology & Geology. 2008. V. 30, No. 3. P. 630 - 643.

Wang W.M., Zhao L.F., Fi j., Yao Z.X. Rupture process of the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake of Sichuan, China // Chinese Journal of Geophysics. 2008. V. 51, No. 5. P. 1403 - 1410.

Xu X.W, Wen X.Z., Ye J.Q. The Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake surface ruptures and its seismogenic structure // Seismology & Geology. 2008. V. 30, No. 3. P. 597 - 629.

Yan Xue, Jie Liu, Shirong Mei, Zhipin Song. Characteristics of seismic activity before the Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake// Earthquake Science. 2009. V. 22, No. 5. P. 519 - 529.

Zhang P.Z., Xu X.W., Wen X.Z. Slip rate and recurrence interval of the Longmen Shan active fault zone and tectonic implications for the mechanism of the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan, China // Chinese Journal of Geophysics. 2008. V. 51, No. 4. P. 1066 - 1073.